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10 Things That Your Competitors Teach You About LG Refrigerator
LG Refrigerators - The Right Fit For Your Kitchen

There are lots of features that make LG refrigerators the perfect choice for your kitchen. The Door-in-Door allows you to inspect the inside of the refrigerator without opening it. This stops cold air from escaping and helps save energy.

A CustomChill drawer lets you customize the temperature for things like fresh produce or deli meats. Also, look for an ice maker that can produce regular cubed ice as well as slow-melting Craft Ice.

InstaView Door-in-Door

This model is among LG's newest innovations in refrigerator technology. It is equipped with an elegant panel of tinted glass that is illuminated with just two knocks, allowing you to see inside the fridge without opening it. It also reduces the loss of cold air to keep food fresher for longer. Other features include dual ice makers that produce cubes, crushed and LG's exclusive slow-melting round Craft Ice, a flexible Drawer that can fully convert from five chill options to freezing with the push of a button. It also has an automatic water dispenser that automatically produces and distributes water that is filtered.

The InstaView Door-in-Door feature is available in different sizes and configurations, including the LFXC24796D French door model. It's a stunning refrigerator with a striking design that your guests are sure to "ooh" and "aah" over. It's not without its flaws. In our tests of this fridge, we noticed that the Door-in-Door compartment was warm throughout the day, which is unfortunate because it's a fascinating idea.

The fridge isn't the most efficient energy-efficient. The InstaView panel takes up a large amount of space. We'd also like to have more smart fridge features, as well as smaller overall size for this model.


The LG Smart ThinQ brand is its idea of a smart home. The company aims to create products that will be on and ambient. They want to know what you need even before you do. has tapped its expertise in Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing to develop a system which will understand what you need, how you intend to utilize it and then will act for you.

The refrigerator is a huge step in that direction. The LFX31995ST French door refrigerator comes with 20.7 cubic feet of refrigerator space and 10 cubes of freezer space. It comes with a touchscreen that lets you control the fridge. It it also comes with an app called Food Manager. This app keeps track of your pantry items and orders replacements if needed. It also allows you to send recipes to the oven to prepare it. A Health Manager is also available, which calculates BMI and offers recipes to help you gain or lose weight. It can also send instructions to an exercise tracker, and an intelligent scale.

Another feature is Proactive customer care that makes use of AI to monitor the use of appliances and identify problems before they become serious. For instance, if it detects that your refrigerator isn't receiving enough power to remain cold, it will notify you and suggest that you look into the ice maker.

The app can be used to control other LG appliances including robotic vacuum cleaners. It can also turn on the lights and set scenes using your voice. It's also simple to connect your devices to your TV via Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa. You can then manage your entire smart home with just one button press or voice command.

Craft Ice

LG refrigerators with Craft Ice are the first in the industry to automatically make slow-melting round ice in the freezer drawer. These ice spheres melt faster and chill drinks more efficiently and help beverages taste the best. They also help whiskey, cocktails and soft drinks maintain their shape for longer than normal ice cubes. Refrigerators that have Craft Ice feature a dual dispenser and maker that can deliver cubes and crushed ice and LG's exclusive round Craft Ice. They also have a water dispenser that dispenses an exact amount (4 8 or 16 or 32 ounces) of fresh water, filtered water, and switches off when it is done.

The LG ThinQ(tm) is an app for free, comes with smart Wi-Fi connectivity that lets you monitor and control your refrigerator remotely. You will also receive notifications if you leave the refrigerator door unlocked and set the temperature of the freezer and ice. Some models can even respond to voice commands from Amazon Alexa and the Google Assistant.

With InstaView Door-in-Door, this fridge lets you see inside without opening the door, saving energy and preventing loss of cold air. The panel with a tinted design of the fridge opens up to a compartment that is easily accessible for items you frequently use. The drawer below can be set to five different food storage options, ranging from chill to freezer. The Glide N' Serve Drawer offers additional storage for large platters, deli trays, and other items. Smart Cooling+ ensures that foods are kept at the ideal temperature. And ENERGY STAR(tm) certification means this refrigerator is designed to conserve energy, but not sacrifice performance.

Door Cooling+

LG's Door Cooling+ creates a flow of cold air across the entire refrigerator compartment, including the door's baskets. This method reduces the temperature gap between inner and door side compartments, which keeps your food fresher for longer. It also cools the fridge more quickly than traditional systems and consumes less energy. The constant temperature of the refrigerator ensures that your food items don't get rotten and makes it easier to find what you're looking for without having to search through the entire fridge. Smart Diagnosis is a very useful feature that lets you communicate with your refrigerator remotely to get quick solutions.

This LG model is the ideal choice if you are looking for a sleek modern refrigerator that can keep food fresh and healthy for the long time.

Glide N' Serve Drawer

With a full-width Glide N' Serve drawer it offers ample storage space for all your fruits, vegetables and snacks. The drawer is designed to keep produce at a different humidity than the rest of the refrigerator to extend their freshness. The drawer is easily removed to clean, or reinstalled. To remove, simply fully extend, then lift it up and out. Once the drawer is removed the drawer can be washed by hand and dried completely before reinstalling.

The drawer that is used to store your crisper is a vital component of any LG refrigerator that helps to keep your food items at a lower level of humidity than the rest of the refrigerator to extend their freshness. The replacement drawer for the crisper has wheels on the rear to allow for easy in and out movement within your refrigerator. If the track on your refrigerator's crispy drawer is chipped or cracked, it should be immediately replaced to ensure that your food items are properly stored.

This model is designed to give your refrigerator an upscale appearance. It has a lower depth than conventional refrigerators. This allows it to stand close to your countertop for a seamless appearance that blends perfectly. Counter-depth designs also help to reduce the amount of cold air lost when opening and closing the door, thereby increasing your storage capacity. This refrigerator is compatible with the LG ThinQ App which lets you utilize smart features, get important notifications and connect to LG customer support.